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Preparation + Patience = **Safe** Progress

Pole & Aerial so easily becomes part of our personality. Why do you think I fell in love with it all those years ago and I’m still here in the industry?

We get involved in classes and love the thrill of learning new things, the support of our class mates and the excitement of always having a new challenge.

The growth of social media has been incredible for sharing content related to Pole & Aerial. So much inspiration, creativity and variety to choose from! But it’s also brought new risks to students. Particularly videos marked as Beginner, showing Advanced movements. And making high level tricks look so effortless and easy that lower level students rush to us asking to learn the moves and combos in lesson.

What we’re asking our bodies to do in classes, particularly in higher levels classes is no mean feat. It is incredibly physical, taxing on the body and there is a constant risk of injury or strain from overtraining or attempting tricks outside our capabilities. We hang from our arms in unusual positions, push the range of motion of joints and need higher levels of flexibility in our muscles.

Which is why myself and all of Team PPD are drilled on safe progress. Following a pathway of preparation moves, to increase strength, technique and stability before attempting higher level moves. All instructors should be guiding you through these methodical pathways, not rushing to teach you the fanciest, coolest or most desirable tricks to post on your socials for clout.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should! Have you spent time on conditioning moves specific to this body position? Have you started with a static position before adding dynamics? Have you strengthened the joints and muscles to move in this way, before adding your body weight?

If not, the fact of the matter is you are at a very high risk of injury. Especially when we’re talking about shoulders and rotator cuffs, which are notoriously easy to injure and difficult and take a long time to heal and rehabilitate. This is especially true for adding dynamic movement to tricks, something I preach often (and loudly!) Swinging your body weight around with momentum on unprepared and unconditioned muscles and joints is a recipe for disaster. Your body weight jumping/swinging exerts much more force than your body weight static. The science is all there to back up my plea to protect your body and progress safely.

I probably sound like a boring old fuddy duddy, but spending time on the preparation moves and having patience is the only way to progress safely. Over 18 years of experience with my own training and teaching stands me in pretty good stead to advise you on this! If you love Pole & Aerial and want longevity in your journey, don’t rush. It’s like building a house. Don’t try to hang the wallpaper before the plaster has dried. Don’t expect the house to stay standing if you rushed and bodged the foundations.

Progress isn’t always safe.

Preparation and patience is key.

Stay ambitious, stay motivated and stay inspired. But take your time and look after your body, we only get one and it’s yours for life.

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